Controlling overall volume when using 4CM with an Axe II


Hi guys,
I've been a long time lurker in the forums and since getting my Axe II have found so many posts here helpful in figuring things out. I'm currently trying to understand overall volume levels when using 4CM with the Axe II.

My setup is, a VHT PittBull 100 CLX + Mesa 4x12 + Axe II connected in 4CM. I have the effects loop of the VHT set to Series. I basically use Channel 3 of the VHT for all my distortion based patches. For all other patches I use the AXE along with the VHT's power-amp.

Prior to getting the AXE, I had the same setup with a POD HD500 pedal. Whenever I needed to adjust the overall volume level of everything (Distortion or clean or lead patches that have Distortion from the Amp and delay etc from the POD) I just adjusted everything using the Master Volume knob of the POD. So at gigs depending on the situation I could adjust my master volume to match my need at the time.

Is there a way to accomplish this on with the Axe II ? All I am wanting to do is, have a way to control overall output volume, for all my patches. Some patches on the AXE just have the FX Loop only (that's just my basic distortion), and others have no FX Loop, these are my cleans where I just use the VHT's power amp. Currently I'm trying to do this using the Master Volume of the VHT, however, I am having mixed results and seem to always end up having to adjust individual patch levels to get everything balanced. I have dozens of patches so doing this at a gig is really hard for me. I am pretty sure I am doing something stupid, any help would be much appreciated. :)
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