Controlling an exterior processor via midi?


hey guys question, can you control an outside processor via midi. To be exact I have an RJM switch gizmo that I used with my HD500X to switch channels on my amp via preset change. I want to do the same with my ax8 when I use it with the 4CM, but it doesn't seem to be sending any preset change messages. Is there a setting I'm missing or does it even do that?

You can send a program change message for each scene. Take a look at the MIDI parameters in AX8-Edit. Page 39 of the manual.
hey guys question, can you control an outside processor via midi. To be exact I have an RJM switch gizmo that I used with my HD500X to switch channels on my amp via preset change. I want to do the same with my ax8 when I use it with the 4CM, but it doesn't seem to be sending any preset change messages. Is there a setting I'm missing or does it even do that?


I just tried this with my Amplifire and no dice. I had each scene set to send a different PC# on Channel 1 on Scenes 1-8 and the Amplifire wasn't doing anything. I've used it with a couple different midi controllers with no issues and it's set to react to midi data on any channel.

Just for giggles I changed the send channel on the AX8 to 16 for all the scenes. Then it switched patches on the Amplifire with no problem. So I changed everything back to Ch 1. Now it's working there too.

Don't ask me to explain it. But if it's not working for you, try switching the midi channel and see if it kicks in.
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