Control Switch Momentary MIDI Issue


New Member
Hi everyone. Back in April I set up 6 Control Switches to send MIDI commands to my laptop so I can control my lighting software and Ableton from stage. They've been set up to use CC 1-6 on channel 3 with an on value of 127 and an off value of 0. I have them assigned to per-preset buttons utilizing a momentary function. This worked really great for a festival we played and I was able to trigger our fog machines by holding down one of the buttons.

Fast forward to today, I'm getting ready for a gig next month and for some reason, the momentary aspect is no longer working. When I press the button on my FC12 and hold, no MIDI data is sent at all (I'm using MIDI-OX to monitor). If I do a quick press and release it will send an on and off message simultaneously. If I long hold and release, I won't get either an on or off value sent. This happens on all 6 Control Switches.

I'm not sure why this is happening as I can't recall anything changing in my setup that should have an effect on this. I was (and until today was still) using firmware 22 but just upgraded finally today to version 27 just to see if that would help. Any idea what might be causing this? Basically I'm running the MIDI output from the AXE FX III into the MIDI input on my Scarlett interface into my Macbook Pro. I've tried swapping MIDI cables just to rule out anything there.

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