Control external midi pedal with layout


Hello, I'm trying to get setup to control loopy pro and my Meris Enzo from my FM9. At the moment I've gotten them linked so that scenes choose the appropriate Enzo patch, but I'd like to create a dedicated layout each to control the looper and the Enzo. As far as I can tell at the moment I urge to use a CS switch which limits me to 6 external commands in layouts. Is that right or is there another way to do it? Ideally I'd like one layout which selects 6 of the Enzo presets and another which sends 6 different commands to loopy

Like the FCs, the FM9 was not expressly designed to be a MIDI controller. Having MIDI payloads on Control Switches is a bonus, which gets you some capabilities. As you note, however, you are limited to six such switches, globally, in total.
Ah man, even like 10 would have been perfect. I'm using an old midi baby to connect the FM9 and Enzo already so guess I'll look into switching it for a larger controller
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