Considering FM3 for Home Recording - USB Latency Issues?


New Member
Hello everyone.

I'm considering purchasing an FM3, mainly for my home recording setup. I read the official reply in January this year regarding USB latency issues.
I really want to have a simple and uncomplicated home recording setup. The USB latency problem would be a no-go for me. Can anyone confirm whether this problem has been fixed with firmware 8 or 9? Any experiences or updates would be greatly appreciated.
Thats all I do with mine, and absolutely love how it records, so cool adding tracks with whatever preset your on and fits the bill well, my recordings sound huge, but I'm into Modern High gain muse and have zero latency in Logic with a 128 buffer and run plenty of VST Drums and synths etc..
You will dig it I'm sure of it.
Hello everyone.

I'm considering purchasing an FM3, mainly for my home recording setup. I read the official reply in January this year regarding USB latency issues.
I really want to have a simple and uncomplicated home recording setup. The USB latency problem would be a no-go for me. Can anyone confirm whether this problem has been fixed with firmware 8 or 9? Any experiences or updates would be greatly appreciated.

No, the latency compensation problem hasn't been fixed, and the official statement is that it probably never will be. But, there is a workaround that works pretty well, so I wouldn't let that deter you from using an FM3 for recording:
I had one in 2019 and that did not have any latency issues either, but the one I bought after that 2021 I believe had an issue, but I just set the global Buffer in the unit and that fixed it, the one I have now came all good to go, but if you have a prob you can tweak settings no prob, hit any of us up and you'll be square
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