Connecting Timeline and MFC/AxeFx


I want to use my Strymon Timeline with my Axe-FxII and MFC101 rig. I've done searches on the forum and seen a few people who are interested in doing the same thing, but not a clear consensus about the best way to do it.

If you are running this rig (or something similar), can you share how you are wiring things up? Are you using your MFC to send MIDI commands to the Timeline or just doing Timeline preset switches in realtime with your foot? Are you keeping your Timeline on your pedalboard and running cables to the back of your AxeFx or are you leaving your Timeline in your rack?

Thanks very much for any help.
I'll be interested in doing this sort of thing as well with an Eventide H9 once the Axe Fx comes in. I've read in the manual about internal CCs which sounds like it work. I agree I haven't read any practical explanations. May have to just get my hands dirty and figure it out
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