Compressor summing?


Does anyone know for a fact wether or not the compressor block sums to mono? I don't see a balance control, so I assume it does?
If you mean stereo in / mono out, no (you can confirm for yourself by putting a ping pong delay in front of active compressor block and note that L/R separation is retained). If you mean internally - is compression applied to L/R sum - not sure but probably still not
I know for sure the Drive and Amp blocks sum to mono. I am trying to avoid summing where possible. Are there any other blocks to watch out for? I will check the blocks diagram now. Thanks!
I know for sure the Drive and Amp blocks sum to mono. I am trying to avoid summing where possible. Are there any other blocks to watch out for? I will check the blocks diagram now. Thanks!
  • Drives and Amps for sure. But you can use more than one in parallel paths to maintain stereo.
  • Cabs can be setup as mono or stereo (if panned correctly).
  • Effect models with 'mono' in their names.
  • The Reverb block passes the dry though in stereo. But the wet takes a summed signal then generate a stereo reverb (except the springs)
I believe that all of the compressors are through stereo, But the detection might be summed, and the compression applied might apply to the left and right equally regardless of the actual left and right levels??
I believe that all of the compressors are through stereo, But the detection might be summed, and the compression applied might apply to the left and right equally regardless of the actual left and right levels??
Yes, the compression is applied equally, but the detection can be chosen from a variety of sources, including L+R, L only, R only, etc. using the sidechain source parameter (which isn't really a side chain in that case :) ).
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