Clearing Empty Presets and Cabs?


I have quite a few IRs I've downloaded over the course of a few months. However, as I play guitar and tweak my tone more, I end up deleting my downloaded IRs in favor of the stock ones.

If I delete one or more, it leaves an empty space where the preset once was, and moving all Amps/Cabs up to said empty space isn't possible since it causes an overlap. It ends up being a little time consuming to then move only a couple of Presets around here and there in order to line everything back up.

I'd love to be able to just right-click and delete empty Presets, shifting everything up by +1 or however many empty spaces there are. Or maybe I'm just OCD and see an inconvenience where there isn't one, haha.
Not sure I'm totally understanding, but if you need to shift a group of presets one or more spaces, you can do this in the Manage Presets. The trick is you have to cut and paste to avoid the overlap error. If I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to accomplish, I'm sure others may have a solution/workaround.

Edit: This works in Axe-Edit on Axe-FX III, don't have an FM9 to test.
You can shift + click to select multiple presets or cabs at a time and move them. You will be overlapping and it will copy things correctly if I’m understanding the post correctly.

Neat wish but I think they’d have to build that logic into the editor to recognize empty vs filled slots.
You can shift + click to select multiple presets or cabs at a time and move them. You will be overlapping and it will copy things correctly if I’m understanding the post correctly.

Neat wish but I think they’d have to build that logic into the editor to recognize empty vs filled slots.
Man, this was the one. Thanks so much for the tip!
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