Cleaning FM9 / Ceba Plexi


Fractal Fanatic
My FM9 resides on a carpeted floor. Occasionally, I run the vacuum cleaner in the room, which takes care of most of the accumulated dust and debris tracked in from outdoors. Besides using a Dustbuster, what manner of cleaning clothes and/or solutions might you suggest?

Am guessing a water spray bottle and microfiber. Just give the cloth a little squirt and wipe. Use other side to dry any residual moisture.

Possible additional methods? What about crevices?
For guitar tone, yeah. Electronic gear? Would you drink from a dirty glass in a restaurant? I rest my case.
Do you drink from your FM9?

Use a light spray of glass cleaner on a cloth and wipe the covers. It might not hurt to follow up with a light wipe of an anti-static dryer sheet or spray a TINY amount of a furniture spray with anti-static in it on the cloth, and wipe again. The covers can act as dust magnets and that will help counter it.
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Do you drink from your FM9?

Use a light spray of glass cleaner on a cloth and wipe the covers. It might not hurt to follow up with a light wipe of an anti-static dryer sheet or spray a TINY amount of a furniture spray with anti-static in it on the cloth, and wipe again. The covers can act as dust magnets and that will help counter it.

But I wouldn't wish to show potentially interested persons a dirty or greasy FM9.

LT describes some of his sound as possessing this quality, but a physical appearance of dirty greasy isn't my idea of how FM9s should look.

Thanks for suggestion. Will also check maintenance & cleaning (if it's there) in the manual.
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I generally just dust with the music room Swiffer duster and it's fine. Occasionally will blast it with the canned air....
Another great tool I use for everything in my studio is a paint brush with super soft bristles. Really gets the dust out of cracks & crevices with ease.
When I became a father years ago I discovered baby wipes. Great for cleaning equipment. Just a little bit moist with the most non-agressieve lotion you can imagine. Makes your gear smell nice to. No joke, give it a try.
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