Cirque du Soleil: Without a Net

Dave Merrill

Probably old news for many, but we just watched this, very much recommended, especially for anyone who's ever put on a show. It's about Cirque du Soleil preparing to come back from a 400 day enforced Covid break. That's one seriously complex and demanding production, on every level, for a lot of people.
I saw them back in the early 2000's in Dallas. It was a great show. I can't imagine the work/prep they have to do. Very impressive.
Probably some 20 years ago I met a guitarist touring with Cirque as they came through St. Louis (at Eddies guitar shop). I remember talking about how they had a whole rig for him to use (I want to say a Boogie Studio + preamp) run direct. If you listen, a lot of times they vamp on certain sections that line up with what the acrobats are doing. The MD often cued them on the fly, so sometimes they would cut phrases and even measures short to make sure everything lined up.
Probably some 20 years ago I met a guitarist touring with Cirque as they came through St. Louis (at Eddies guitar shop). I remember talking about how they had a whole rig for him to use (I want to say a Boogie Studio + preamp) run direct. If you listen, a lot of times they vamp on certain sections that line up with what the acrobats are doing. The MD often cued them on the fly, so sometimes they would cut phrases and even measures short to make sure everything lined up.
You have no idea the amount of improv that goes on, driven among other things by things I would have thought were dead solid. For instance, if these two underwater platforms are stuck in their down positions, do this version of the show. Offscreen fly rig assistants reacting to how the performers feel to them from there. All of that both under water and way high up, many people, visible and not. Such a level of commitment on everyone's part. Really pretty astonishing.

Highly recommend the documentary, whether you've seen or want to see them live or not.
Thanks for the suggestion. I watched it last night and it was indeed an eye-opener. It must be a rush to put that show on every night.
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