Channel comparison


Is there a way to compare two channels of a block which are using the same type/model?

I choose an Amp and Cab combination. Using my Strat I tweak various settings in the Amp and Cab blocks to suit that guitar (and my mood). Then I will often pick up my Tele (or another guitar) and see how it sounds with it. Most often I then copy Channel A to Channel B in the both the Amp and Cab blocks and tweak further to suit the Tele. I then set Scene 1 to use Channel A for both blocks and call it Strat and set Scene 2 to use Channel B for both blocks and call it Tele. Over time (not necessarily the same day or even week) I may make tweaks to either the Strat or Tele Amp/Cab channels. Eventually I seem to reach a point where I rarely tweak anything and just select the Scene associated with each guitar. But now, I am curious to know what is different between Channel A & B of the Amp block and same for the Cab Block.

Is there a way to output all of the settings of Channel A and B for each block and compare them? Or is there already something in the AxeEdit which would perform a comparison? I would love to be able to compare two channels and ideally have Edit highlight which parameters are different on each tab/page and highlight which tabs/pages contain parameter differences.

Would anyone else find this useful?
You cannot monitor multiple channels of a block simultaneously, but you could assign a control switch to both the amp and cab blocks to toggle between the two (or just bounce between two scenes, same thing).
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