changing amp channels with external pedalboard (Nektar Pacer)


FM9T Newbie here - Can't quite figure out how to cycle through the different amp channels using a midi pedalboard such as the Nektar pacer.
I can turn the amp block on and off if I assign it in (SETUP/ENTER/MIDI/Remote A AMP 1) but that's about it.
Thank you!
In the MIDI/Remote menu, page over to the Channels page. You can select the CC# you want to select channels for each block there. For that CC# sending values 0, 1, 2, or 3 will select channels A, B, C, or D respectively.
Your midi controller must allow defining both the CC# and data value. If it can't, you're limited.

You can use an "IA" switch to change between A and D, but that's it.

Same thing for scenes.

Data values for channels are modulo 4 and for scenes are modulo 8.
Your midi controller must allow defining both the CC# and data value. If it can't, you're limited.

You can use an "IA" switch to change between A and D, but that's it.

Same thing for scenes.

Data values for channels are modulo 4 and for scenes are modulo 8.
THank you for your response
I can send cc# and data value - but it only toggles channels A and D - B and C don not appear to be selectable.
In the MIDI/Remote menu, page over to the Channels page. You can select the CC# you want to select channels for each block there. For that CC# sending values 0, 1, 2, or 3 will select channels A, B, C, or D respectively.
Thank you for your response!
Found it but doesn't access all the channels - just A and D
That's because your controller is toggling between 0 and 127 for the on and off values. Change the values to change which channel it selects. There is no way to step through all the channels via MIDI, only to select specific channels. You can either use two switches, one toggling between A and B and the other toggling between C and D, or use four switches to select each channel on its own. Set the on and off values for the switch to the same value to make it select one channel instead of toggling. Page 126 in the FM9 manual has a table for all the CC values to Channels.
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