CAT-5 or 7 pin midi?


Is there any benefit to using the cat 5 over a 7 pin midi? I did the stupid thing of plugging usb into the mfc port and now the axe won't power it. I'd rather just use a 7 pin midi cable and not pay to get it fixed if there isn't any noticeable difference in performance. Any suggestions?
Probably not so much from a functional standpoint. I use Cat5 mainly for convenience. It's a more secure connection (particularly with Ethercon) and you get a lot more for your money with Cat5 vs. MIDI cables.
Nothing in oporation as far as I can tell. I believe it was implemented so that the AFX2 could be hooked up via midi to a PC at the same time as the MFC. As it happens you dont need MIDI for that either as you can use USB - however, I dont know if you could use UBS for the PC and MIDI for the MFC without conflict. Tial and error I guess there.
If power is not the issue i'd go with midi cables, they are more reliable than cat5 on stage in my experience. Of course you can get a better cat5 but they are kinda pricey.
Nice to have the choice though (well normally, ie if you haven't blown the expansion port)....... if one method goes down in a live situation you can swap cable type. GAS'ing for MFC now dammit!

How does a USB connector manage to fit in a Ethernet socket to allow this 'blowing of port' btw??
I know it’s annoying, but get the MFC fixed and get it over with, make the unit 100% again. This way, no limitations for anything unforeseen in the future. Plus if you sold it in the future keeps the value up.
I like to use the Ethernet connection myself just for the convenience of not having a wall wart in my rack.
I had my cat-5 connection crap out (cable i think) at my first gig with my axe on new years eve....went to midi and wall wart (which i had as backup) and just haven't gone back. I'm thinking of buying some ethercon connectors and ethercon cable, and setting my rack and pedalboard up to handle them since it seems that is a nice way to do it, but until then i have 2 7pin midi cables in my gig bag and only use those.
How does a USB connector manage to fit in a Ethernet socket to allow this 'blowing of port' btw??

It's dark in the back of the rack, don't feel like grabbing a flashlight and taking your are reaching back's almost fitting, are pushing to make it fit, since you thinkg you might not be lined up already had it plugged into your computer, so as soon as it plugs in, its got power, fried.
It's dark in the back of the rack, don't feel like grabbing a flashlight and taking your are reaching back's almost fitting, are pushing to make it fit, since you thinkg you might not be lined up already had it plugged into your computer, so as soon as it plugs in, its got power, fried.

That's exactly what I did.
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