Carvin's DCM200L Poweramp with Axe FX


Anyone using a Carvin's DCM200L poweramp with an Axe FX? I currently have a Mesa 2:90 which is heavy as hell and looking for a possible cheaper option than the Matrix. Just looking for any thoughts on this.

Yes....I use it to drive either my 2x12 cab or an EV FRFR cab. Does the job, and only weighs 4 lbs. I run in bridged mode, for 200 Watts into 8 ohms. Plenty of power.... even for outdoor venues. In fact, the sound guy asked me to turn it down a the last gig we did at the local fairgrounds.
Yes....I use it to drive either my 2x12 cab or an EV FRFR cab. Does the job, and only weighs 4 lbs. I run in bridged mode, for 200 Watts into 8 ohms. Plenty of power.... even for outdoor venues. In fact, the sound guy asked me to turn it down a the last gig we did at the local fairgrounds.

200 Watts in a guitar amp is approaching ear-bleed volume levels. In a bass amp, it's barely audible over the drums.
I used to use one before I switched over to Matrix, you'll have to crank it a good bit, but it gets the job done. I used mine with a 4x12 Orange Cab BTW, I feel like it powered it just fine in bridge mode.

It's the lightest 1u PA I've ever owned.
I'm using the earlier version: the DCM150 and it sounds great. 2X12 stereo cabinet keeps enough of the vibe of rotary and spacial effects to be satsfying. Capable of more volume than I'll ever use.
I have used it in stereo with FRFR cabs and it did the job just fine. But I would consider it border line.
These days I run mono with a different cab which you can see in my signature and it's more than enough! (Bridge mono)
Same goes for a guitar cab more than enough!
I have a Carvin DCM2000LX amp. It's great, and has been a solid performer. The X-Drive software allows you to do some pretty advanced EQ / response management, but I found the amp is very flat in response, so I haven't had to change anything. It delivers plenty of power for stage use, runs cool, and is lightweight.
I have a DCM200L... IMHO, it does not have enough power and it sounds okay, but not super impressive.

I replaced it a Samson MXS2800 (1U), which sounds far better and way more headroom. I also have a Crown XLS2500, which also sounds amazing and good option, but it's a 2U.

Both units are very reasonably priced too.
I have and use a DCM200L in my Axe II W\D\W rig and love it. I send the fx loop send with no cabs through the Carvin to a Marshall 4X12 for the dry amp signal, while a pair of CLRs handle the wet stereo signal. Here in Madison Square Basement, I have the CLRs master up to about half way, and the Carvin has no problem keeping up, which is pretty loud. I have also had the rig out to a buddies shop, where we could turn up, and the Carvin had no problem keeping up with the CLRs turned up to about three quarters, and it was LOUD.

One thing to keep in mind about the DCM200L though, is that it really is meant to be for studio use and has no fan, so not sure if I would gig one or not.
One more comment on the subject of power and volume. The efficiency of your speaker cab is just as important as the power available from the amp. My EV FRFR cab is not as efficient as my 2x12 cab, and I can tell it takes a little more power to achieve the same volume. Either way, the DCM200L is enough, but it does have to work a little harder to push the EV cab. Most speaker manufacturers publish the SPL produced with 1 Watt input at 1 Meter distance. It's worth it to consider that parameter when choosing a power amp.
200 Watts in a guitar amp is approaching ear-bleed volume levels. In a bass amp, it's barely audible over the drums.

SS watts and tube watts are two different things!

It just depends on the volume levels you are using. If your just playing small coffee house or a Jazz gig things will be fine. In a full on rock band you might be hard pressed to keep up with out clipping that little amp. The rule of thumb is 3-5 times the wattage in S.S. when compared to a tube amp of the same wattage.

It all about the headroom at the volumes you are playing at with solid state.
I don't think the DCM 200 is enough power. It won't be anywhere near the volume of that 2 90. The matrix would get you there but as others have mentioned, there are other cheaper options with more power you can look at too. You could probably sell that 2 90 for some good money towards a matrix. I myself after using a carvin dcm 1540L for a long time ended up with a fryette power station much happier.
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