Carvin DCML 200 w/monitor for FRFR


Power User
I have seen some mention of this Carvin amp in threads before but it seems like people were talking about it in relation to a 4x12 set up. I am thinking of getting away from that and transitioning to a semi FRFR set up. I have a good sounding older Peavey monitor that's got a 15, 10 and a horn in it that I think would do well, just need a power amp to pair with it. The Carvin amp is attractive to me for a few reasons…1-I have a Carvin card & get int. Free finance, 2-the size/weight (then I could keep it all in my 4 space rack, Axe, Carvin & my furman) 3-i dig the price point.

I know there are going to be alot of guys that are going to want to talk about higher fidelity stuff etc but I rationalize that most clubs we play & even when we use our own PA I am not going to be running through FOG that's near as high end as what alot of guys here use just for their Fractal. To me the tone FOG is more important than what I get on stage anyway so if I am getting killer tone from my rig then the FOG should be killer!

Long post short, what anyone's experience/impression with that Carvin amp?
The DCM200L is probably a little underpowered for FRFR applications... Not sure how much your "older Peavey monitor" can handle though (and "older Peavey monitor" judt doesn't sound like the best choice for FRFR - can't hurt to try it though, and if you like it, you like it.)
I have the DCM200L but I ended up using it to power my desk top monitors because it wasn't powerful enough for my guitar rig. I ended up getting the DCM1540L for the guitar rig, it has plenty of headroom.
Like the others, I found it slightly underpowered for my needs, however sounds great! It was fine for me however when running bridged-mono into my Mesa 2x12 Recto. Still have mine and will use it for some other application in the future , like I said sounds great can’t sell it.
I have one and thought it sounds really good for home use. I don't think its enough power to gig with thou.
I picked one up used a couple weeks ago. It's a great sounding amp, very clear and transparent. I don't need a lot of volume so it works fine for me. I wonder if anyone's tried the bridging feature? At least in theory that should give it enough power for some additional volume powering a single cab.
It is a little under powered. I have mine bridged. I am WDW 2 QSC K12s on Wets and DCML200 powering Eminence Beta for the DRY. I'm gonna really crank it at an outdoor gig tonight to see if it can hold up.

this is my 2nd one. First one let the smoke out within 3 months. Sent it back for warranty repair.. It blew again within 10 seconds on a gig.
Made Carvin send me a new unit, This one has been fine so far.... 3 year warranty on these. But cost me 40.00 in shipping sending it back 2 times.
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