Can we not name Global Blocks?


Fractal Fanatic
Seems odd that it looks as though we can't. Hard to remember what is what and this would be ideal to add with an update. Am I alone in this?
you are not alone, i get the feeling not a lot of people use the global blocks. invaluable to me, was a pain point going to the III as at first it didn't even support them like the II.
Global blocks can be a little dangerous. More than once using my Axe FX2 I copied a preset so that I could try new changes. In the process I forgot that the amp was using a global block while making edits only to realize I had destroyed my main presets.
Global blocks can be a little dangerous. More than once using my Axe FX2 I copied a preset so that I could try new changes. In the process I forgot that the amp was using a global block while making edits only to realize I had destroyed my main presets.
There should be a warning and a way to also revert back to the last unaltered state. This would alleviate that issue
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