Can .cls files be loaded into slots 2-4?


I have saved a bunch of Cab-Lab captures, both on .ir and .cls file format.

I am trying to load the .cls files into cab 1-4 in Cab-Lab because it provides the graphic to which the mic is moved, and I prefer to load that into Cab-Lab for that alone.

I can load one .cls file into cab 1 in Cab-Lab, but can’t figure out if it’s even possible toload another .cls file into cab 2-4?

My workaround is loading the .ir into my axe fx3 and load more .ir files on cab 2-4 to mix and match the captures. While this is great, I’d sure love to have the ability to load multiple .cls files into Cab-Lab itself.

For now I just write all the info down and go to cab 2-4 in Cab-Lab and keep manualy adding the mic setting I saved to be able to audition mic combos.
CLS file extension stands for Cab Lab Session, I think.

The settings are for a full session, not an individual cab slot.
This makes sense, wish there were a way to load CLS files into slot 2-4. Until, and if it's ever a possibility, I will keep up my workflow of auditioning different saved mics in the AXE F3. If I need to tweak a mic placement vs a low/high cut, I can always manually enter the info on 2-4 on Cab-Lab.

Funny thing is, at the end of the day all my efforts and time spent end up sounding so similar to one another, even if I change one mic. Not due to anything in the software, but rather I guess my head has a certain sound it enjoys.

Really enjoying the Cab_Lab
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