Can anyone explain this strange behavior?

I just switched over to using my Midimate in controller mode, whereby the bottom row selects presets and the top row is for IA switches. My sounds are on presets 10 through 15. Every now and then, when I change presets, it selects a patch between 265 and 270. So, I hit 12 and I get 267. I hit 13 and I get 268. The Midimate still shows the correct preset number, and the IA switches still work on the newly selected wrong sound.

The only way to get it to return to normal function is to reboot both the Axefx and the Midimate. This never happened before running in bank/preset mode.

I have a gig tomorrow night, and I am strongly debating if I should rebuild all my sounds back to the bank mode or just make copies of the sounds in that 265-270 range and hope for the best.

Any thoughts? Thanks very much for any help.
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the link. I guess I need to find a chart of exactly what the Midimate sends for each button press so I can nail down where the bank change message comes from.

I'm confused on the difference between the CC#0 and the CC#32. How would the command look to get from 010 to 265 in one shot?

Thanks again.
CC#32's irrelevant for the Axe-Fx, but it may be used as a bank change message on other devices

to get preset #265:

CC#0, value *

(the * is any value of 2 or greater)
Well, if I'm grasping the concept, the Midimate should not need to send a CC#0, since it only has those 5 IA buttons and they are assigned to controls 5 through 9. It must be a quirk somewhere, but since the Midimate manual doesn't really get in depth about the midi commands, I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it.

I guess I could hook it up to MidiOx and capture the commands it is sending, couldn't I?

Is it possible that having several effect block bypasses set to the same control number could cause a problem? My boost button turns on GEQ, Delay1, and Drive1.
If you can do MIDI-Ox, then yes, definitely! I always hesitate to recommend it to people since it's a little daunting at first, but it's definitely the best tool for the job, imho.

And correct, it should not *need* to send a CC#0. And I don't think having one CC assigned to multiple things should matter.

According to the manual (as widely used as the pedal is, I think this is the first time I've actually read this one! :D) -- there's a CC assignment for each of the IA switches 5 through 9. AND there's a CC assignment for a pedal. What's interesting about the pedal assignment is that it can be different for each preset. If the IAs are assigned and working properly as far as you can tell, I'd bet that one of the presets has a CC#0 assigned to the pedal. Also, just in case you don't know already, CC#s set to "ON" usually have a value of 127; CC#s set to "OFF" usually have a value of 0 -- it may be different for the MIDI Mate, but that's usually how it goes.
Excellent! I didn't think of the pedal, but that has got to be it. It would explain why it always seems to do it when I go to either 12 or 13, but not 10 or 11. I can't thank you enough for your help. I'll take a look at it tonight and report back tomorrow. If that's not it, I guess I'm reprogramming all of my sounds back to bank/preset mode before tomorrow's gig. Yikes.
Wow, I just started having the same problem at band practice today. My patchs 10 and 11 are clean, and 12-14 gain. My effects change buttons on the top are, left to right, AW, drive, boost (eq), chorus, and delay. My default patches have reverb and delay on. When using 10 and 11, IF I have chorus on and then go to one of the gain patches, I get 268-270 rather than 12-14. If I hit the patch change button again, it reverts to the proper patch. Only happens when I'm going from chorus on on one patch (eg, 10) to a higher # patch. I do use the pedal control into the Midimate as a gain controller for either the amp gain on the gain patches, or drive gain on the clean patches. That works OK. And, it never happened before, unless I never went from a clean chorus on patch to one of my drive patches, which is hard to believe. wtf??
I gave up waiting for jeff :roll: and figured it out. My farcking midimate simply changed control numbers on me, behind my damn back :shock: Button 8 used to be #8 and I had it set to control bypass for my quad chorus. Somehow it morphed to #0, which would explain the radical patch change. I re-watched that youtube video on setting up the MMate and found the problem, reset it to 8 and all's well. Stupid freaking Midimate. I'm so ready for the MFC!!!!!

bluesdoc said:
I gave up waiting for jeff :roll: and figured it out.
lol, sorry dude -- if I'd had more advice beyond what I'd already posted in the thread, I'd definitely have doled it out! :)
happy to hear you got it sorted! (though I'm curious now as to what would've made the Mate forgetful)
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