Cab block drops volume on R side going from mono to stereo?

I remember someone reporting they were having problems with drastically losing volume in the R speaker or headphone when changing the cab block from mono to stereo, and also remember seeing in the release notes that a bug fix for the cab block was included in V3.02.

I don't know if that guy's problem was the same as mine, or if the bug fix was meant to address the problem that I'm still having. But whether I'm making my own preset from scratch or I'm tweaking a preset, sometimes the R side output drops to near zero when I change the cab block from mono to stereo.

I know this is has been a problem for me since I downloaded V3 and it continues in 3.02. It happens when I tweak through the front panel as well as when using axe edit(also newest version).

Is anyone else experiencing this in V3.02? If yes, is there a solution? I'm sorry if this has already been discussed.
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