Buzzing in PA system, ground lift doesn't help


I've been having buzzing issues with my AxeFxII when I plug directly into sound systems. My AxeFx is plugged into a Furman power conditioner (and is the only thing in it). The ground lift switch on the back of the Axe doesn't affect the buzz. Lately, I've been forced use the 1/4" outputs into another DI box (and use that DI's ground lift) to eliminate the buzzing noise. Does this mean there is a problem with the ground lift on my AxeFx?

Is there something I can do differently? My setup is extremely simple. Both XLR outs and the 1/4" have the buzzing.

I had been assuming there was something wrong with the wiring in my practice room, but it's been a consistent issue at a variety venues and PA systems.

Is there an easy way to check if it is a problem with the AxeFx (and hopefully one that would be fixed under warranty)? I'm not an electrical whiz, so I may be missing something completely obvious.

Each unit needs only one ground source in reality, often the input.

Hook up one wire at a time until it buzzes to find the source.
If you move around does the buzzing vary? Are you using wired or wireless connection? Does it buzz on clean patches? Mine buzzes as I get close to the Axe and amp but quiets down when I move away as expected. Check your lighting also since dimmers and florescent lights may contribute.
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