Built in video out from Axe FX for Axe Edit

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How hard would it have been to have the Axe Edit software to be built in to the Axe FX? I am sure there are very light weight OS's to run on. If the one in the system isn't a good option. This is not my field but I cant see it being too complicated.

Have a video out, HDMI or what have you so all you need is a simple touch screen monitor (which can be dirt cheap) you can connect directly to The Axe FX.
You can choose whatever size or type of a monitor you want.

Having to have a PC or Mac just for the app seems totally unnecessary. No real tablet support either.

With my layout in my playroom I cant move around my monster PC and its monitors. I am always rolling my chair back and forth.
I don't need or want a laptop just for this. For people that gig just having to have a simple portable touchscreen monitor would be a big plus.

My PC is a gaming beast that sucks up a lot of juice and is extreme overkill to start up just for Axe Edit when I want to play and it is not where I would want it for ease of use.

So I just ordered a mini PC and a simple touch screen monitor. Just for the Axe FX. The PC is about 5x5x1.5 inches with dual monitor outs.
relatively inexpensive (about $320 total) but more than would have been needed if the Axe FX had the video out option. Should be here Sunday.
My equipment doesn't go anywhere so this should be fine.

This is not a rant on how they should have incorporated this. Although I do wonder if it was a consideration. More on the lines of what if.
It seems a handful of you guys may be in this field. What do you think?

Besides the obvious hardware additions to the circuitry and all. Why wouldn't this make sense?
There are a lot of devices that let you tap directly into them with a video output. My security systems DVR for example.
I can go through my network to my PC, tablets or what have you and or I can punch right into the box with a monitor.
If you can’t move the PC to the axefx, why can’t you permanently move the axefx and speakers to the PC area instead? That’s pretty much the standard setup for an entry level “home studio,” i.e. computer, interface/processor, speakers.
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It's common to want to have a nice UI for digital devices without connecting to a computer. The way that's done these days is with an app for your tablet or phone which connects to the device via wifi or bluetooth. That would be a far better experience than building out the Axe-FX to be a computer with a full OS that includes graphics display support, services to support applications, and a file system...all of which would be primitive compared to what's available on mobile devices.
It's common to want to have a nice UI for digital devices without connecting to a computer. The way that's done these days is with an app for your tablet or phone which connects to the device via wifi or bluetooth. That would be a far better experience than building out the Axe-FX to be a computer with a full OS that includes graphics display support, services to support applications, and a file system...all of which would be primitive compared to what's available on mobile devices.
This would be awesome
It's common to want to have a nice UI for digital devices without connecting to a computer. The way that's done these days is with an app for your tablet or phone which connects to the device via wifi or bluetooth. That would be a far better experience than building out the Axe-FX to be a computer with a full OS that includes graphics display support, services to support applications, and a file system...all of which would be primitive compared to what's available on mobile devices.
Ok, but isn't this a simple cakewalk nowadays?
A phone screen obviously ain't gonna cut it. I have at least 8 tablets laying around but they are all about 10 or so inches so they aint gonna cut it either for Axe Edit. If I go any bigger with a tablet screen I may as well get on my PC.
IMHO Axe-Edit works quite well on a tablet-sized screen, so a mobile app is a natural. I'm sure FAS are working on one as we speak (or use Fracpad). Or, if you prefer, a laptop computer or Surface computer will do the job admirably.

The point is the user experience with those options would be infinitely better than what you'd get from shoe-horning some kind of primitive OS into an Axe-FX. And that's why a mobile app is generally the way this problem is solved with digital devices in 2024.
As I said my tablets are 10 inches. I used Spacedesk to connect my tablet to my PC and sent Axe Edit 3 over to it.
Everything was too small to click especially as a touch screen. So, as the software is now it is not ready for a normal sized tablet.
After a very brief look at Fracpad it appears it was built to work size wise graphically. But I am not interested in it at all.

Don't need yet another device like a laptop. Especially just for this. I have a great PC and numerous tablets running around.
I have tablets for their convenient size and no need for a keyboard. I looked at Surface tablets. Too big and the cost isn't worth it at all.
I don't need yet another Windows device to manage and pay for.

I am not saying laptops are not a good idea for some but those of us that already have our chosen systems may not want yet another one use puppy running around. Nowadays even crappy laptops are getting too expensive for what they are. Most of them, even at the $1000 and up range flex at the keyboard. Very cheaply built but stupid expensive.

When in the end a simple touch screen monitor could be all that is needed. Especially when the system already has some graphical capabilities.
You assume it would need to be dumbed down. Why would it have to primitive? It wouldn't at all. That would just be a cop out.

They would only to maintain one version. Not one for Windows, one for Macs, One for Android and so on.
Have it built in. KISS.

You say they may be working on one as we speak? They have been around a long time and still nothing.
Look how long Kemper took for an editor. They always said their product was too good and didn't need one.
They changed their tune.

Either way you look at it, you cant deny it would simplify everything, for everyone.
If you can’t move the PC to the axefx, why can’t you permanently move the axefx and speakers to the PC area instead? That’s pretty much the standard setup for an entry level “home studio,” i.e. computer, interface/processor, speakers.
You haven't seen my setup. :)
Nothing here moves.


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I guess I just don’t understand the choice to keep them separate when you could integrate the whole music setup with some studio monitors on the PC desk, a single usb cable, and a powered hub if necessary.
Forgot this pic. Not moving or replacing these.

This isn't a new setup I just bought. Just the Axe FX is new.
This room has been set up for quite a few years. Although I just rebuilt the tabletop for the Axe FX and added a drawer for the keyboard while I was at it.
As you can see, my stuff is kinda setup permanent.

I got rid of my Adams monitors years ago.
Very nice but I wanted more kick.
Not rebuying everything for the Axe.
The Axe FX is connected to my PC at the moment and has been since I bought it.
I just don't like rolling back and forth with my chair from PC to all my guitar gear while I am practicing.
And running a very juice hungry PC for a simple app that wont even need .00001% of one of 24 Processor cores and a 4090 GPU just for the graphical interface of the Axe Edit 3 app every time I pick up my guitars.

The idea I am going with, with the mini PC will work fine.
My whole point of the post is more of a "wouldn't it be nice" if the Axe had this.
To me, it is logical.
To some others, its like, yeah but do this instead because........... that's the way it is.
I like forward thinking, not giving in...just because that is the way it is.
Not my point of the post.

Question- If they did have what I am talking of, what would you think of it. Would it enlist any complaints?
Assuming the graphical part of the software looked just like it does or better than on any PC or Mac?


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Isn't the Axe expensive enough? I mean, you know they have to move these puppies to stay in business? Just adding anything and everything would price out everyone but the most insanely wealthy. You're okay with a $4500 Axe so that you don't have to use a computer?
Isn't the Axe expensive enough? I mean, you know they have to move these puppies to stay in business? Just adding anything and everything would price out everyone but the most insanely wealthy. You're okay with a $4500 Axe so that you don't have to use a computer?
I don't believe it should add much to the cost for something like this. As it is now they have to invest in creating and updating the app for Windows and Macs anyway. Could have started out with just one. The unit itself.
Can you just run a long USB cable?

I have used a 15' cable sometimes and not had issues.
In my previous post I mentioned I do have it connected to my PC. The cable was ran before I put in my flooring.
If not, being a contractor I don't run cables across a floor or hanging from a ceiling.
I don't believe it should add much to the cost for something like this. As it is now they have to invest in creating and updating the app for Windows and Macs anyway. Could have started out with just one. The unit itself.
No... It's just not that simple. There are layers to this and it really makes no sense to do it.
One thing I do (but still PC dependant) is playing farther away from my computer desk/rack with the AF3 is use airplay to mirror on my ipad and use wireless mouse which gives me a semi mobile tablet experience. mind you, this is all within 30 ft. when I am at this position in my space Use my little 'b' footrig which is the Airstep connected to bluetooth dongle in back of my AF3.
Ask Apple how much time and effort it took to develop MacOS. That's the amount of effort needed to get an app that is equivalent to a Mac app.

Look around you. There's a good reason your MiniNova, BeatStep, and Axe-FX all use apps that run on a computer/mobile. It makes no sense to reinvent the wheel and build all the support required for those apps into those devices.
You are comparing creating an app to a full operating system?
Ok, I seem to have fallen into the usual and frequently expected abyss of, do it this way dummy.

Once again, the whole point of the post was a "what if" or wouldn't it be nice.

Forget MY personal reasons. Act like I never even mentioned them.
I am a quite capable big boy and can set my stuff up competently.

For anyone interested in the "what if" side of the conversation-
Would you kick your Axe out of bed if they implemented the app built in leaving you only to buy a monitor.

The answers to this would be quite telling.
They do already have the capability inside the box. You can do anything needed straight from the box as is.
Really so hard building it up for a more useful app such as the Axe Edit 3 sent out to a monitor?
The app is trivial. It's the support infrastructure for the app that would be prohibitively expensive to build into the device. As I mentioned above, the incontrovertible evidence for this is all around you.
You are correct. The app is trivial.
I am no software genius in the least. I just buy a LOT of products and know what is possible. Even on the cheap. Especially where China is concerned.

Aren't there basic open source operating systems that exist that could be used? I cant see it taking any real horsepower for this app.
I am guessing what is already in the box is most of the work.
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