[BUG?] Output level - FM9 vs Axe FX III


Fractal Fanatic
Just received my fm9 turbo and first thing I noticed, after importing my presets from the axe fx III, is that the output level is roughly 6dB lower on the vu meters. This is true for both out1 and out2, while out3 (which I use to feed a power amp+cab) is the same as the axe.
Is this normal?
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Did you compare your output level settings for each output (-10 vs +4) and where the output pot was set?
Did you compare your output level settings for each output (-10 vs +4) and where the output pot was set?
That doesn't matter as I'm talking about levels displayed on the vu meters which are not affected by those settings. I was using spdif fwiw.
Just received my fm9 turbo and first thing I noticed, after importing my presets from the axe fx III, is that the output level is roughly 6dB lower on the vu meters. This is true for both out1 and out2, while out3 (which I use to feed a power amp+cab) is the same as the axe.
Is this normal?
Are the two units on current firmware? The levels should be very close if not the same after exporting and importing.

I’m assuming that the global I/O settings match too. (P.95 in the FM9 manual.)
Ok, after a bit more A/B testing I think there's a bug that randomly alters the fm9 outputs (both digital and analog ones). Today as I fired all up the fm9 had the same output level as the axe, but this time all amps sounded way darker, as if there was an high cut filter engaged (I verified with pink noise from the synth block the frequency response of the outputs and I can say with certainty that this issue was inside the amp block).
So I then switched off the fm9 and turned it back on and this time around they sounded identical, both in level and in tone.
I've tried for more than an hour now to replicate it with no success, if I manage to find out what's triggering this issues I'll let you know.
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Ok, after a bit more A/B testing I think there's a bug that randomly alters the fm9 outputs (both digital and analog ones). Today as I fired it up the fm9 had the same output level as the axe, but this time all amps sounded way darker, as if there was an high cut filter engaged. So I then switched off the fm9 and turned it back on and this time around they sounded identical, both in level and in tone.
I've tried for more than an hour now to replicate it with no success, if I manage to find out what's triggering this issues I'll let you know.
Since I don't have any other customer with this kind of problem please let me know as soon as you can replicate, thanks.
Since I don't have any other customer with this kind of problem please let me know as soon as you can replicate, thanks.
Thanks a lot Diego, but at this point, given my findings, I don't think it's a hardware issue (my unit seems flawless from that point of view) but a possible bug in the firmware. But I'll let you know anyway ;)
It's always possible, but I'll be surprised if this is a bug. Myself and other customers and testers have rebooted the FM9 countless times and never encountered an issue like this. Can you reproduce it using FM9 factory presets and default System settings? If there's a particular preset that you migrated which can demonstrate the problem, please attach your Axe-Fx III version and the FM9 version. Are you using FM9-Edit to load the preset or did you use FracTool?
It's always possible, but I'll be surprised if this is a bug. Myself and other customers and testers have rebooted the FM9 countless times and never encountered an issue like this. Can you reproduce it using FM9 factory presets and default System settings? If there's a particular preset that you migrated which can demonstrate the problem, please attach your Axe-Fx III version and the FM9 version. Are you using FM9-Edit to load the preset or did you use FracTool?
Yesterday the level issue was there both with factory presets and custom ones.
Today I'm using a preset created from scratch with just IN-AMP-OUT, just to try to isolate the issue. Cab block is provided by the axe fx to which the fm9 is connected via spdif and out3 (so I can switch back and forth between FM9 amps and Axe amps)
I saw now that you edited your post.. a bit more details:
System settings are still at default values except for SPDIF/AES out source.
At this point there doesn't seem to be a particular preset triggering the issue but I'll keep on trying.
I imported my presets via fm9-edit but some of my presets could have gone thru various conversions since I originally created them on the axe fx II, then went on a ax8, then axe fx III and now fm9.
Please try recreating a preset from scratch and let's see what happens with that. Who knows what might lurk in a preset that has been migrated that many times, presumably involving FracTool.
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