Bug? FM9-Edit Modifiers List strangeness

Joe Bfstplk

A little modifier list weirdness:

https://v-z-a.com/sites/default/files/video/2023-08/Screen Recording 2023-08-20 at 2.06.04 PM.mov

https://v-z-a.com/sites/default/files/video/2023-08/Screen Recording 2023-08-20 at 2.10.38 PM.mov

Not a HUGE deal since I'm just going through and changing the modifier from "External 2" to "FC1 Pedal 2" and similar, but the list sometimes tells fibs as to which parameter it's attached to (and sometimes shows up with no attached param, just the controller name) until you open the modifier settings pane and close it again, and the little 'focus' dotted line does not redraw when you change the controller and the length of the text in the list item changes....

Oh, almost forgot. When your mouse is over a list item, it goes black.

Mac last-gen Intel, Big Sur 11.7.8, FM9-Edit 1.02.02....
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