Bug? Display above foot switch #2 problems...


Fractal Fanatic
I have a new FM3T and just noticed that the font is being displayed off center.
And on some presets I can see an additional vertical line on the right side of the display. As seen in the second picture.
See attached pictures.

FM3T Window 2.jpgFM3T window 2 example.jpg
The physical position is fine, but the display or cable is malfunctioning to cause an offset. I think it needs to be repaired or replaced.
I have a new FM3T and just noticed that the font is being displayed off center.
And on some presets I can see an additional vertical line on the right side of the display. As seen in the second picture.
See attached pictures.
I have the same issue with my new FM3T. While switching between different foot switch views, the left display starts to misalign the text on every view. Did you get any support? Is it a hardware issue or can it be fixed with a firmware update?
My new FM3T did the same thing twice so far. Both times different windows went off center and it was after I managed presets.

I rebooted the unit and it was normal again.
The physical position is fine, but the display or cable is malfunctioning to cause an offset. I think it needs to be repaired or replaced.
I think this has to do with character count. Total guess but this only happens to me on my longer Scene names. Over the course of the gig it starts to happen and goes more askew over time. I let devs know a bit ago but couldn’t find a solid repro and it didn’t happen every gig. I’ll try to work on it more and report back.
I have the same issue with my new FM3T. While switching between different foot switch views, the left display starts to misalign the text on every view. Did you get any support? Is it a hardware issue or can it be fixed with a firmware update?

Good news is, it was a simple fix!
But, I can't remember what exactly it was.
I do remember I was editing the foot switches a lot, and operating the unit from both FM3-Edit and on the unit itself.
I shut down the FM3 and my PC. Disconnected all cables and started again.
I haven't seen even the slightest of problems!
Happened on my Turbo too, yesterday, for the first time. A reboot fixed it. Can’t recall / reproduce the precise chain of events.
The same thing happened to me today on my Mk II Turbo, mid gig - the text in the middle scribble strip shifted up about 25%, essentially. Just packed up and loaded out, I'm going to see if the problem persists tomorrow.

Hoping this is not a hardware problem - while there is an official dealer in my country, I don't know how competent and efficient service will be.
The same thing happened to me today on my Mk II Turbo, mid gig - the text in the middle scribble strip shifted up about 25%, essentially. Just packed up and loaded out, I'm going to see if the problem persists tomorrow.

Hoping this is not a hardware problem - while there is an official dealer in my country, I don't know how competent and efficient service will be.
What text do you have there? Is it pretty long ?
It was on a Per-Preset layout, so I think the longest text I have assigned to the middle footswitch is about 7 characters. I'll have to look again today.
That’s enough info I think.

It’s definitely due to the number of characters. Perhaps it’s trying to wrap around or something.
This happened to me again this weekend, at a gig with a newer unit, my 2nd one.
Is there a known issue of character count?
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