Bug? Cab Block 2 IR slot 2:R crackles along with guitar sound like frying bacon

Joe Bfstplk

Since the 2.0b upgrade, I have been experiencing a bacon-frying crackly noise along with my lead amps' tone in all my presets that seems louder (maybe just not masked as much) when the notes fade.

I tried rebuilding the lead amp block, bypassing everything but the amp/cab, and changing to lower-res green-text IRs.

Here's what I've found:
  1. Rebuilding the amp block from scratch instead of using the imported one from my old FX3 presets changed nothing.
  2. Changing out cabs to Legacy green-text cabs did nothing.
  3. Muting cab 2:R in Cab Block #2 stopped the bacon-frying crackles.
  4. Unmuting cab 2:R and muting cab 1:L made the bacon-frying crackles louder.

Methinks I've isolated it to that 2:L cab in Cab block #2.

Will have to go through all my presets and make single, mixed-down IRs for all the Cab 2 blocks, I guess.
Update - CabLab does not yet recognize the FM9, so I am copying the user cab bank into the FX3 and slowly working through my active IR pairs to submix to singles for a few of my presets, then copying the submixed IRs into the FM9. Hope this gets resolved soon....
Are you guys saying that it only happens with Cab block 2 unmutted, so running 2 cab blocks in stereo correct? I have a few stereo presets and have not heard that issue.
I'm going to check this out. I've had some odd cracking at times but haven't been able to find the source. I'll check the cab block next time.
I have this happening on one of my presents with the Bogner XTC models, it looks like there are a few of us with this as well.
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