Bug? Bank changes over Midi on FW 2.01 not working


I often use an Airstep footswitch or an iPad running OnSong to change Presets on my FM9, FM3 or Axe FX III. It seems like something changed in FW 2.01 so that the FM9 no longer responds to Bank change messages. The exact same commands still work perfectly on the FM3 and Axe FX III (and worked in FW 2.0 on the FM9).

For example, a midi command to switch to Preset #459, will bring up #075 on the FM9. In other words, the FM9 did not respond to the Bank change command (Bank 3) and instead, stayed in Bank 1.

I did try changing the Bank Switch Limit from Disabled to Enabled (and back again) but this had no effect.

Is there any other setting in the FM9 that could have changed/reset in FM 2.01 or is this a bug?
Nobody else experiencing this? Or, if it's working for you, what midi commands are you sending to get the correct Bank?
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