Broken switch - can I fix it myself?


I got an FM9 a little over a year ago and my 3rd switch in is not responding. Has anyone else had this issue? I just don’t want to have to send it in and be without my unit as I’m a working musician. Is this possibly an easy fix that I could try myself? I’m pretty handy and feel confident oopening up the unit if I need to as I think I may be beyond my warranty period.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
If it were me I'd err off the side of caution and not try an unauthorized self-repair. Why? Even in the cleanest work environment small burrs and screws can drop into the workspace, and once they're put back together they'll rattle and cause possible damage until you go bonkers trying to solve these as well.

You might check when the unit was purchased and consider upgrading to the extended 3-year warranty if the device is less than one year old. Otherwise, contact Fractal Support and arrange for a work order/repair ticket.

FAS Support was very quick once my FM9 went in for repair once. Two days shipping UPS Ground from CT, one day evaluation, repair and turn around return ship. My FM9 went out on a Monday and returned the same week Friday.

Shipping costs were my nickel, repair costs and return shipping, FAS footed the bill. Yes, I'd opted for the 3-yr warranty with good reason.
How is it "not working"?

The switches are built in 3 switch "modules".

I believe Fractal can ship a replacement module that you can swap out, but best to contact support first?
If you can't be with out it cause you are a working musician then it will be really inconvenient if you mess it up worse. This is the reason I eventually plan to have a backup modeler. Until then my tube amps and pedal board is my backup. And I don't even depend on it for a living.
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