Brit 800 Presence Control Problem


New Member
Hi all. I just received the FM9 Turbo and am loving it so far. I noticed something strange though with the Brit 800 model. The Presence control has almost no effect at all. Setting the Presence to 0 or 10 only changes the high end frequencies a very, very small amount. At first I thought the Presence wasn't working at all, then I listened very carefully and could tell that it was in fact changing the high end just a bit. This also happens in the factory preset for the Brit 800.

Also, the Brit 800 seems quite dark overall compared to 2203/2204 amps I've played in the past. I recall those amps being very bright, and I had to keep the Treble and Presence below noon. In my Brit 800 preset I have both the Presence and Treble cranked, and it's still too dark for my liking. Here are my settings:

Gain: 9
Bass: 1
Mids: 5
Treble: 10
Presence: 10
Master: 4
Cab: 4x12c G12M Greenbk 57 Bal CEL

Any ideas on things I could try, or anything I could be doing wrong here? I double-checked to make sure that power amp modeling is on, and also tried some other cab IRs. Thanks in advance for any tips.
I would also suggest cranking the Master and adjusting the amp block Level to get the overall volume you need. Is the Bright Switch is off? I've only found the Marshalls to be on the darker side with it off.

The Presence Frequency can be adjusted in the Power Amp page of the Amp block if you want it to have a more noticeable effect.

Not knowing which other IRs you've tried, my favorites for Marshalls are any of the (RW) 4X12 Basketweave and 4X12 Lerxst 121 and 4047 IRs.
I just tried this patch with 3.0, um, I'm finding it very saturated with gain settings at 9 making it hard to hear others, i.e. treble and presence, if I turn gain down to 6 and treble to 5 then presence is a bit more responsive for me at around 6 to 8, I'm guessing it depends on guitar, pups, amp and speakers. ime configs in real hardware are not equal to fas so adjustments are needed to find sweet spot.
Presence works with the negative feedback of the amp. You can trying increasing the level which may increase the presence effect. On the power amp page. Like @JoKeR III mentioned check your bright cap. That amp should be bright. Check the output eq in the amp block. Maybe it got adjusted somehow.
I just tried this patch with 3.0, um, I'm finding it very saturated with gain settings at 9 making it hard to hear others, i.e. treble and presence, if I turn gain down to 6 and treble to 5 then presence is a bit more responsive for me at around 6 to 8, I'm guessing it depends on guitar, pups, amp and speakers. ime configs in real hardware are not equal to fas so adjustments are needed to find sweet spot.

I think this was the main problem. When I lowered the gain to 6 or 7, things opened up and got brighter. The Presence control now has a small, but much more noticeable effect. In hindsight, I think I was expecting things to work more or less like the 2203x I used to have, which I ran with the gain on 9 and treble/presence around 4 or 5. Moral of the story: dial things in with your ears, not your eyes.

Thanks all for the suggestions. I'll also check the presence frequency and negative feedback. I didn't know those were adjustable parameters. Very cool!
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