Just upgraded from Axe FX II to the FM9. Love the song/setlist feature. I used to have to do this with an iPad over midi. Putting my first setlist together and came to the forum to wish for this feature. Glad it's under consideration.
I really need this feature to simplify my workflow.

Indeed, BPM per section (I’d be ok with song as well) and gapless switching means only a handful of presets and a super simple workflow.

It’ll be the same way I program my RJM pedalboard and to a large degree would make the lack of Global Blocks on the FM9 less of a hassle.
I wonder if the gapless switching in FW v6 needed to come first. I could see switching presets mid-song with a gap being a huge issue for continuity and live performance.
Oh +1, this is so what I need right now. I just discovered the songs setup and it's nice. I would love to have a tempo area to just pull up a quick tempo for each tune to start with. I'd also like to be able to customize the section layout to be able to act as a bypass button over just scenes. I was trying to create a whole night off one preset, and would be able to do that if I had the ability to make some songs have a bypass toggle instead of just a scene one.
New Fm9 user. I assumed Tempo would be part of the Song Setlist feature, to eliminate the need to have separate copies of song presets just to save BPM per song. We play to a click track and do alot of time based material. Thanks for working to make this happen.
New Fm9 user. I assumed Tempo would be part of the Song Setlist feature, to eliminate the need to have separate copies of song presets just to save BPM per song. We play to a click track and do alot of time based material. Thanks for working to make this happen.
I haven't tried it yet, as I haven't gotten the live setup fully running yet, as I'm also a new user, but since you're on a click track, you would most likely want to get a MIDI in signal to your FM9 so it can change the tempos for you with that. Depending on click setup that is. I'm sure someone knows way better than me.
I haven't tried it yet, as I haven't gotten the live setup fully running yet, as I'm also a new user, but since you're on a click track, you would most likely want to get a MIDI in signal to your FM9 so it can change the tempos for you with that. Depending on click setup that is. I'm sure someone knows way better than me.
That would be great but not really needed and midi, especially wireless, adds more complexity to setup and the Live situation. The point of the Song Setlist feature is to use a "Template Preset" for multiple songs, and assign scenes for song sections, eliminating/reducing having to make multiple song presets. It cuts down on clutter and makes keeping presets organized and up to date much easier. I came from the Helix and I had bunches of songs that were based ona main tempalte, but with different tempos saved. The problem also is, if you want or have to make a change to a preset, like adjust a level, you then have to manually do it in every preset you made off of it.

The Song Setlist feature is a great idea, but many guitarists use delay subdivsions (.8th Delay) so its crucial the Tempo on the FM9 be set to the song - This changes for every song, so saving it in the main "Base Preset" isn't an option. At this point then the only option is to Tap Tempo it in on every song but that gets you close but not exact, and if the guitarist is starting the song, if not using a click, there is no drummer to help you click in to get to the right tempo of the song.
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