Bought an Axe-Fx III!


I’ve had an AX8 for over a year now. After hearing the improvements in the 10.0 update I got the itch to upgrade. Well, today I ordered a new AXEIII and it should be shipping my way.
I listed my AX8 on Reverb and it sold quickly although I’m still waiting on the payment. What is it with these guys online that except an offer then flake out? It seems like everything I sell online has a 50% chance of the buyer not paying.
I've stopped selling online. Local is so much less hassle AND I've met a bunch of very cool, local musicians doing the deals.
Awesome man. I just ordered mine today as well. I've already gotten the tracking, so now the painful waiting begins.

I'm very weary of sites like Ebay now, as you have ZERO protections as a seller. Someone can buy your item, get it, and then say it's busted or they received a box of rocks, and Paypal will refund their money. It's crap.

I'd much rather sell to someone I meet, but even that can have problems. The problem with musical gear is most of the people that want it don't have any money.
Reverb is pretty good at protecting sellers, but yeah... the buyers are getting flakey....
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