Boss FV-100


I need to get an expression pedal or two , I have an old boss fv-100 , will that work ?
I see the fv-500 is popular but haven't read anything on the fv-100
With some modifications it should work fine. First, you'll need a y-cable that does TRS -> TR & TR so you can connect it up to the MFC. Then you'll need to modify the taper of the potentiometer. The MFC is really designed for linear taper potentiometers and that Boss has a logarithmic taper potentiometer it because that's what is generally used for volume control. You can either replace the potentiometer in it with a linear taper one that's got about 50k of resistance on it. Or you can use fixed resistors to make the potentiometer a little more linear. For details see:

You could look at something like this: Easy Expression Converter | -- I have no experience with that and cannot speak to how well it works, but the theory is based on the PDF I linked to above.
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