Boss CE-1 Chorus and Vibe


Javajunkie did a great Boss CE-1 preset for both the vibe and chorus modes. Anyone work up something similar for the AX8?
You should be able to get the blocks extracted... Or use FracTool to convert the preset.

Thanks. Should I only be concerned with the Flanger block. There's an amp, cab, delay, reverb and tone match block. Any issues seen importing a fractool converted AX2 to AX8 preset?

I was thinking of just manually creating the flanger block with same settings.
Thanks. Should I only be concerned with the Flanger block. There's an amp, cab, delay, reverb and tone match block. Any issues seen importing a fractool converted AX2 to AX8 preset?

I was thinking of just manually creating the flanger block with same settings.
If that is all there is in the chain, then probably not... But I'm a bit confused since you mention the CE-1 in the OP but now you are saying Flanger.
But I'm a bit confused since you mention the CE-1 in the OP but now you are saying Flanger.

I own a vintage CE-2 but unfortunately dont have an original CE-1 for comparison. The CE-1 chorus circuit has a longer delay than a typical chorus. On all the sound clips I've heard it is more vibrato/flanger sounding. I pulled the preset up in fractool and there's definitely a flanger block as the first thing in the chain. There's lots of pedal clones of the CE-2 out there including the waza craft reissue. But only a few modern clones of the CE-1. I don't think the CE-1 switch on the CE-2W sounds quite right. I'm hoping someone with an actual CE-1 can confirm that the fractool to ax8 preset sounds spot on.
Yeah ..., quite a few years ago I think that javajunkie matched a CE-1 and he used a Flanger block to do it ....
here goes, the vibrato is a direct conversation from the axe fx ii presets - the flanger block on the "Fendery Clean" is javajunkies explanation in a post here and me being the monkey plotting in the values - my take is a little more subtle (i have a ce-1 to compare with) but its my setting on it that i try to emulate.


  • Boss CE1 Vibrato.syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 95
  • Fendery Clean.syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 85
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