Boomerang III Phrase Looper Setup with AxeFx Ultra?


Just purchased one of these terrific loopers and like many before me, I'm posting to see where in the signal chain to place it so that I can loop a phrase made with one preset, and stack/loop another phrase with a totally separate preset? Some folks suggest using the effects loop in the preset. I tried that and it sort of works... but i noticed that the second preset is highly distorted and the clipping indicator is highlighted firmly in red.

Alternatively, others have suggested outputting the AxeFx to the Boomerang.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated. A search of the forum has been inconclusive so far.
Both ways can work. In the loop gives the option of having effects after the looper.

If the second preset clipped there's a reason but it's tough to guess what that is. If the looper playback is causing the clipping (I assume you meant the Out 1 Clip LED lights, not the Input 2 meter's red LED) then it's something about the routing or levels from FXL onward.
Lower the input 2 knob. The red LED occasionally lighting is fine, like during the loudest notes of a clean loop. If it still sounds distorted try lowering the output 2 knob too.
I tried that... I've got input 2 completely turned down... and output 2 completely turned down. It doesn't seem to make one bit of difference. Those knobs are not controlling the gain for the FX Loop for some reason. Any thoughts on why? Thanks for your help on this.
No idea. It seems really unlikely that the knobs would somehow not lower the level enough to get out of the red. Can you turn the output level down on the Boomerang?
Probably my lack of experience... here's a dumb question - do you just place the Effects Loop at the end of the preset signal chain? The Effects Loop main fader and Mixer Level allow be to lower and raise the sound but strangely I still see clipping on the Input meter.
End of the chain is fine, depends on whether you have a specific goal requiring an effect after the looper. By input/output 2 knobs I meant the actual knobs on the front of the Axe-FX. Try setting FXL controls all to 0 dB then adjust the real knobs. Sometimes you might need to lower levels at the FXL mixer page to prevent Out 2 clipping (LED indicator below screen).
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Finally got this to work a little better. I lowered the Output 2 knob. Strangely, Output 2 needs to be at a setting of 11:00 whereas Output 1 is at 5:00. Input 1 and 2 are both set to the same level (around 5:00). So I've got two signal chains:

Signal Chain 1: Guitar-->Input 1 (on front)-->Output 1-->Line mixer-->monitors
Signal Chain 2: -->Output 2 (Effect Send)-->Boomerang-->Input 2 (Effect Receive)-->Output 1-->Line Mixer-->monitors

But Signal Chain 1 still sounds better than Signal Chain 2. Chain 2 sounds muddier. Is that because the Boomerang is coloring the sound a bit (in a bad way)? Or is it something with the levels in Signal Chain 2? Thanks for your help - very much appreciate it.
Interesting post. I also have the Boomerang III and after fiddling with the Effects Loops, I have decided - at least for now - to use an external mixer (Mackie 1202VLZ3), I have the Boomerang Inputs to Mackie's Aux 1 and it returns to two audio channels. That sounds best to my ears, though it's more cables and stuff. But since I also use a GR-55 I need a mixer anyhow and can make my own mix...
Interesting post. I also have the Boomerang III and after fiddling with the Effects Loops, I have decided - at least for now - to use an external mixer (Mackie 1202VLZ3), I have the Boomerang Inputs to Mackie's Aux 1 and it returns to two audio channels. That sounds best to my ears, though it's more cables and stuff. But since I also use a GR-55 I need a mixer anyhow and can make my own mix...

That's how I'm doing it too...
I'm doing something similar with my Boss RC50 Loop Station.

All my effects are on the second row of the layout. I place the Effects Loop at the end of the first row, right after my last effect. My second row of effects continues to the output and the first row with the Loop continues to the output. I then split the output from the last effect to the input of the Effects Loop. This way, I can loop everything I have in my patch (amp, FX, etc) and when I switch patches, I can record with a whole different set of sounds (amp, Fx, etc) on top of that original loop. Everything works well, I have the two inputs at the same level as well as the outputs and I set loop levels via the controls on the RC50.

I was able to get rid of my line mixer, so for me its just AxeFX into my Poweramp into my cabs with the RC50 in a parallel loop. However now I have hum and noise with the Loop Station in the FX Loop :(

Hope this helps some!

Very helpful feedback from all.

johnny - if you switch patches do you have to add the Effects Loop to the new patch to hear the recording? Kind of a pain unless you've automated that somehow?

Also, the RC50 is receiving from Output 2 and sending into Input 2, right? And your guitar is plugged into Input 1 with a connection between Output 1 and the Poweramp? For some reason with this configuration, I'm finding that I need to set Output 2 to a much lower gain level (around 12 o'clock) then what I have everything else set to. Otherwise it overpowers the looper (clips it) and the sound is muddied up.
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