Blues Deluxe Amp Block?


Fractal Fanatic
Many of us are familiar with the Blues Deluxe 40W 1x12 combo amp from the early 90's forward. Having owned a lacquered original, and a re-issue, I grew to appreciate what Blues Deluxe amps were.

Is there a comparable Blues Deluxe amp block in the amp library? I've looked for one but could find no definitive answer. Have any of you located and tried building a preset with this type of amp?

If perhaps you have found one, please indicate what factory number the Blues Deluxe is, located in the amp library.

Thanks in advance.
I don't think there is anything close.

I don't usually touch the deep parameters so some of this information could be off, but you might be able to get close-ish with a 59 bassguy with the supply sag turned off to simulate the solid state rectifier. What I've read is that these amps are biased cold as well so you'd probably want to also lower the power tube grid bias. (This may not be the right parameter, not 100% sure.)

This page has some interesting information on the amp that can give you some clues. ( I'm not smart enough to verify if it's correct or not however.)
I don't think there is anything close.

I don't usually touch the deep parameters so some of this information could be off, but you might be able to get close-ish with a 59 bassguy with the supply sag turned off to simulate the solid state rectifier. What I've read is that these amps are biased cold as well so you'd probably want to also lower the power tube grid bias. (This may not be the right parameter, not 100% sure.)

This page has some interesting information on the amp that can give you some clues. ( I'm not smart enough to verify if it's correct or not however.)
BD amps are fixed bias, that's correct. Cathode bias typically adds more compression and sponginess, IIRC. The BD amps I owned were comparatively tight if one turned back the bass to about 4, with mids and treble about 6 each. They were really nice from what I recall and took effects well. My overdrive effects were typically Simble, or Blue Note Pro. I usually preferred to keep the amp on its normal channel and skip the 2nd stage gain channel altogether...and keep everything through the front end, instead of the FX loop...

Will check out the article in a few minutes...some additional things have priority this afternoon/evening...

EDIT: Just reviewed that article, and man, either my ears are way off, or I'm just not that particular about harmonics or resonance. (It may also have been I've never personally played through vintage F amps before to know what was off.)
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