Blue screened my FM 9


So This is what happened today. I booted up my FM9 and then I opened up the editor and it told me there was an update which I did smooth as silk. I read all the files and when it had finished I closed it and opened up the Fractal Bot. pointed it to my FM 9 and it too said there was an update, new firmware and new Dynacabs.

1) I start with the firmware update no problem when it finishes instead of rebooting the device I thought you were supposed to download both files and then do the reboot so I start to do the download of the dynacabs where I am immediately met with multiple error messages.

I close all the error messages and think I need to reboot the FM9 The Bot will no longer let me download either file SoI think I need to reboot the FM9 Which I do

The FM9 no longer communicates with the editor or the Bot and it's just a blank screen no presets no nothing.

Please advise.
Thank you so much! It worked like a charm I held the left right buttons down cycled it off and on right into utility mode it asked me to hold the enter button down while it did a memory check it went through that for a while and then it just seemed to stop I was expecting it to ask me to reboot but it didn't I waited and waited. Eventually I just turned it off and turn it back on and it booted right up like normal. Then I connected it to the fractal bot did the firmware update rebooted it did the Dyna cab update rebooted it and now I'm all done thanks to you You're real godsend thank you so much I really appreciate it.
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