Block library disapeared?

I went into my FM9 today to mess around and noticed that everything I had saved in my block library is gone. Anybody know why or a way to get it back besides reverting to my last backup?
The Block Library is stored on your computer drive, it has nothing to do with the modeler.

Open FM9-Edit, and look at Settings > Preferences > Workspace > Library.

Search your hard drive for the folder defined in that path, then click the Browse button for Library and navigate to that folder and click Open. In a preset that has a block defined in the grid, click the block then click the reveal triangle for Library in the bottom left corner and select Refresh Library. Your entries should be available then.

You can move that library wherever is convenient for you, but, by default, Edit creates the folder inside the Global Settings folder displayed at the bottom of the Workspace page in Preferences. That is defined by the OS and isn't adjustable, whereas the Snapshots, Library and Preset Templates folders are movable. I have those all pointing to space in my Dropbox so they're automatically stored in the cloud. (Actually, a large part of my Fractal workspace, including backups, are stored there.)
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