Block level intermittently inop


Got my new FM9 Turbo on December 23rd and I am loving it (coming from AX8)! It came with the newest firmware (4.0). Right out of the box I performed a backup and auditioned all of the factory presets. Afterward, I purchased the AB LG pack and installed. Part of auditioning those presets had me adjusting “block level” to level the volume on the different scenes. Sometimes, when turning the block level knob, the box surrounding the db readout comes up but no number is displayed and there is no response (volume wise) that I can perceive.

When this happens, if I click on most any other edit parameter (FC, etc.) and then return to block level it works as expected. This happens with FM9 connected to my computer or not, with factory presets, my custom made presets or purchased presets. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?
I'm a bit confused when you say it happens with FM9 connected or not... The editor only works when the FM9 is connected to your computer.

I'd suggest trying a different USB cable and/or port on your computer.

What version of FM9-Edit are you using?

Try running Refresh After Firmware Update in the Editor.
I'm a bit confused when you say it happens with FM9 connected or not... The editor only works when the FM9 is connected to your computer.

I'd suggest trying a different USB cable and/or port on your computer.

What version of FM9-Edit are you using?

Try running Refresh After Firmware Update in the Editor.
My apologies if unclear. I use the latest FM9 Edit most of the time to make adjustments to my unit, but I am slowly learning how to make adjustments on the unit itself, which is how I first discovered this issue. The first time this happened, I was connected via USB to my MacBook Pro, and I pushed the control knob on the unit labeled “layout”. From there, I believe control knob C when turned (not pushed) adjusts the block level. Most of the time when turning this knob, there is a “box”with a reading within it that pops up indicating the number of db (up or down) you are adjusting. However, occasionally all I get is the ”box” that surrounds the db reading, but no actual db reading is displayed, and no amount of turning the knob produces a change in volume level (up or down).

When I first discovered this, I powered the unit off and back on (still connected via USB), and the issue remained. I then powered the unit off, disconnected the USB from the FM9, powered it back up, and it seemed to work, but then the concern duplicated again while disconnected from my computer. I then tried several different presets, factory, self-made, and purchased, and could duplicate the behavior again, albeit randomly. It’s not a huge deal, just wanted to know if anyone else has seen this.

Unix-guy: thank you so much for your suggestions, I will certainly give them all a try! What a great community we have here!
Oh, wow, that's an interesting issue. Thanks for clarifying the problem.

I rarely edit on the front panel because a) I learned how to do it on my Axe Fx III and b) it's no fun bending over to edit when it's on the floor (mounted to a pedal board).

Have you encountered this on presets that aren't part of the AB pack?

Also, when you are saying "block Level" I assume you're talking about the Amp block, or if not which block(s)?

I can try to test later... Although I don't own that preset pack.
I’m guessing some of those level parameters are tied to a modifier in AB’s presets, so you can’t manually adjust them.
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