Blending IRs: Can I use the 2nd cab block for room sounds?

Fat Dad

I'm trying to wrap my head around this concept. With the FM9, I've got 2 cab blocks, so it stands to reason that I could choose my speaker in Cab 1 with 2 different mics, but then could I add the 2nd cab block just for a room mic of that same speaker? And if so, how do I route it if only using 1 amp block?

I'm sure this is a super basic thing for some of you, but for some reason, my brain just won't get me all the way there. Thanks in advance!
On this topic, are there room IRs that have a bit of delay/ambience, or would I need to add that in series with the room cab?
On this topic, are there room IRs that have a bit of delay/ambience, or would I need to add that in series with the room cab?

That's what Full-Res IR's are. However, Full-Res is not supported on the FM9. Otherwise, you'd need a convolution reverb, which is not available on any FAS modeler.
Some 3rd party IR packs come with room IRs and are not Full-Res. I have Fractal, Ownhammer and RedWirez packs that have several room and rear cab mic IRs.
Is there a recommended delay time for a room mic?
Not sure what delay you're referring to. I use a room or rear IR just like any other IR; add it to the cab block and adjust the Level in relation to the other IR to get the sound I'm looking for.
Speed of sound is roughly 1 foot per millisecond, so if your room mic is 8 feet away from your cab, it will have about 8 ms of delay relative to a close mic.
Not sure what delay you're referring to. I use a room or rear IR just like any other IR; add it to the cab block and adjust the Level in relation to the other IR to get the sound I'm looking for.

It depends on what the OP means by "room sound". If he means the frequency response of a room mic, that will work, but that dull sound is generally considered undesirable. The desirable sound of a room mic is the ambience. By adding a delay, you'll get the echo from a room mic, but that's not really ambience. For ambience from an IR you need a convolution reverb. Alternatively, the Full-Res IR gives you a bit of ambience (that's the whole point of a Full-Res IR), but that's only available on the Axe-FX.
It depends on what the OP means by "room sound". If he means the frequency response of a room mic, that will work, but that dull sound is generally considered undesirable. The desirable sound of a room mic is the ambience. By adding a delay, you'll get the echo from a room mic, but that's not really ambience. For ambience from an IR you need a convolution reverb. Alternatively, the Full-Res IR gives you a bit of ambience (that's the whole point of a Full-Res IR), but that's only available on the Axe-FX.
Thinking this through, I could set up a 100% wet series delay at 8ms give or take and add reverb for ambience. Only thing left is proximity effect on frequency, which I would think a "room mic" IR would already have handled.
Thinking this through, I could set up a 100% wet series delay at 8ms give or take and add reverb for ambience. Only thing left is proximity effect on frequency, which I would think a "room mic" IR would already have handled.
I did something similar using a second reverb in parallel with a lot of pre-delay, 100% wet, and the level at -16dB followed by the enhancer block on the classic setting with the left panned hard right, and right panned hard left.
I did something similar using a second reverb in parallel with a lot of pre-delay, 100% wet, and the level at -16dB followed by the enhancer block on the classic setting with the left panned hard right, and right panned hard left.
With a room mic IR? Or as an approximation of a room mic?

And what the heck does the enhancer do? I can't quite wrap my head around it.
It delays a few milliseconds like you mentioned and widens the spread. It can also flip the phase. I sent it signal from the same 2 IRs in the cab block.

There is a nice IR set floating around the forum called 4x12 HiwattRCA with some room mics to play with too.
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