Beware of the Bank Number Setting


While attempting to edit the ring contrast between the engaged switches and the non-engaged switches, I mistakenly turned the large knob (you know. . . .that really non-intuitive one on the FM9 unit that behaves in a seemingly random manner) and accidentally changed the Bank Number number vale. This resulted in all of my presets on my preset list buttons to become the same.

I ended up having to go into FM9 Edit tool on my computer and edit the Layout for my presets and change every switch/button back to the preset increment of 1, 2, 3, etc.

This was after about 1/2 hour of fighting with it and trying (to no avail) resetting defaults on the unit itself.

Maybe a future software update would be to add a "Commit" or "Save" option to any changes made to settings on the unit itself vs, the way it operates now where every change is instantly saved, where simply paging through settings and accidentally changing something could result in a substantial headache.
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Welcome to reality. It took me a few tries to understand how to work with bank limits (mine is 5, with 5 presets in each bank). Bank limits prevents you from scrolling thru your user presets and heading into uncharted territory, either factory or empty user presets.

It's necessary to set your 1st preset where you want your FM9 to open, and if you leave your preset on a different preset and shut down your FM9, the FM9 will pull up the same preset where you left it when you power the FM9 back on.

If perhaps you were working from the front panel, the FM9 does have a failsafe device which requires you to save your work before it will make any changes to your work. You must have either disabled the save option, or pressed save before realizing your actions.

IIRC, there is a way to enable/disable the save feature. Although I don't recall what section of the front panel that is, perhaps others can solve that problem...
Global stuff doesn't require a save (or at least some of the global stuff I've edited), which seems convenient at the time, unless you don't want to save it. I agree that this could be improved.
Welcome to reality. It took me a few tries to understand how to work with bank limits (mine is 5, with 5 presets in each bank). Bank limits prevents you from scrolling thru your user presets and heading into uncharted territory, either factory or empty user presets.

It's necessary to set your 1st preset where you want your FM9 to open, and if you leave your preset on a different preset and shut down your FM9, the FM9 will pull up the same preset where you left it when you power the FM9 back on.

If perhaps you were working from the front panel, the FM9 does have a failsafe device which requires you to save your work before it will make any changes to your work. You must have either disabled the save option, or pressed save before realizing your actions.

IIRC, there is a way to enable/disable the save feature. Although I don't recall what section of the front panel that is, perhaps others can solve that problem...
As elvis noted, it seems global settings do not require a save to make changes. If however, there is some setting somewhere that would force the user (me) to explicitly save settings before committing them, I'd be grateful to know where said setting can be found.

You might need to check FM9-Edit > Setup, and see if your Prompt on Edit box is off. Switching that to On will at least provide a prompt that you are editing a preset/scene/etc and require you to press save in FM9-Edit to save any changes. I think that's what the feature does. Someone chime in if this might be incorrect.

What I personally find somewhat of an inconvenience is the box next to that, Edit on Scene Change, which supposedly lights up the edit light on the front panel and highlights the Save button within FM9-Edit each time one changes scenes. This feature indicates that you've changed scenes numerically, even though you may have not made any changes within the scene.
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