Best way to connect FM9 to this mixer for stereo sound?


New Member
The place I jam, there is a Mackie ProFX12 connected to two speakers. The manual of this mixer can be found here:

I am not sure what is the best way to connect the FM9 to this. I tried with two XLRs, but it did not sound good. Probably since I need to connect with instrument cables to the line ins, since the XLR ins are for microphones only? Would appreciate if someone can help me do this the correct way.
The XLR's should be fine. If it doesn't sound good you might have a level mismatch between the FM9 & the mixer. You may have to check what your output level is set to: either +4dBv or-10dBv. You also might need to adjust the Gain knob on the channels of the mixer you're using.
As Matt suggests. Use the stereo line inputs. Set the channel EQ at unity. Start with channel gain at unity. Turn the channel FX down. Bypass the graphic EQ. You want the mixer as flat as possible.
On your FM9 set the output to +4, raise the output volume until you have good signal to the mixer. -12db is a good start. Bring up the channel fader and main fader until you have the volume you’re looking for.
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