Best Keyboard/acoustic amp


Hey all,

I'd kind of like to use a keyboard or acoustic amp. It would go well
with my other habits (guitar synth, dobro, mandolin, acoustic).

What have you gotten good sound with? Price is a factor but I don't
mind paying for good gear (obviously). Weight is a consideration too.
Lighter is better.



PS: Not really looking for a keyboard amp vs FRFR discussion. I get it
already :) thanks.
I've looked at the K series. I'll probably run mono for live usage.
I was thinking that a K2 might fill the bill. Not quite as beefy as the
K4, but plenty of power.

I've got an older Roland KC-100 but that thing is gutless and
very brittle sounding. Roland calls it 60W but my Boogie
20/20 will generate about 3x the volume on a single channel.

Several folks mention the KC-350. Roland says it's 120W so it
might actually be 50. I'm used to Boogie power amps (100W Mk3,
100W Lone Star, 2-90, 20/20) so my expectations may be a bit
skewed :).

Other suggestions/experiences???

Loudness is not directly related to power specification of an combo amp/speaker.

Speaker efficiency is the key factor here.
"Loudness is not directly related to power specification of an combo amp/speaker.

Speaker efficiency is the key factor here."

thanks for that...
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