beginner question

frozen alice

New Member
hey guys, new here. quick question...Which power amp do most people recommend to be use with the axe fx?? I have heard vht units are awesome. Also, does the axe fx have spillover or is it able to be programmed in each effect even once the effect has been switched via the footswitch??
I'm using a VHT, and it sounds great. Highly recommended. :D

Also, as a relative newbie, I can confirm the spillover works just fine, between patches & within patches.

I recommend getting a powered speaker or two. If not, VHT, Carvin, Mesa are commonly used.

You should read up on spillover on the wiki or search here on the forum, because it's a little tricky to get the spillover to work. It's not hard, just not very intuitive to everyone.
I wouldnt get the VHT.

There fantastic amps, BUT

The Axe doesnt need a valve power amp. a decent flat response Solid State one is fine. In fact is better IMO as all valve Power Amps do colour you sound a a more or lesser degree.

If you already have a Valve Power amp like the 2:50:2 or Messa 2:90 fine - use that. If you dont - then dont waste the money. Get a Solid State amp.

The 2 ways of going are FRFR (full range flat response) that will require a powered speaker with a flat reesponse. Common models are QSC HPR 122i, QSC K12, FBT Verve 12ma, RFC 322a/522a/722a. This will give you the sound of a mic'd up cab - which can take some getting used to. Its great if you play in venues where the band is normally mic'd on stage - OR if you play along to backing tracks. The 2nd way is a Power Amp and Cab. This is more limiting in terms of sound options as your realying on the sound of your cab (a closed back 4x12 is never going to sound like an open backed 2x12 for instance) - BUT - does sound like a real amp/cab which is somewhat comforting if thats what you used to.

My advice would be get a small SS Power amp - ART SLA-1 or SLA-2 (if you want a stereo setup or run 2 cabs) as this will sound more like the amp/cab your used to (its also the cheapest method to start). Carvin Amps are also popular. These are a lot lighter than the Valve amps, and cost a lot less. For the money you would spend on the 2:50:2 you could get one of these AND a powered speaker (if you want to try that way), but you wouldnt have to. Maybe try that later down the line.

Seriously - I (and others if you read some threads) have a/bd SS Amps (in my case the Art SLA-1) directly to the VHT 2:50:2 (and other valve amps) and its the VHT that went !!
Using both, the ART SLA-2:


as well as the VHT 2502:


I basicly agree with paulmapp8306 has stated above, but...

IMHO the VHT 2502 is allways THAT step ahead regarding sound and feel, I keep it... :mrgreen:
Yep... same here started with the Valve power amps and wond up going with SS power (ART SLA-2). Less exspensive to buy and maintain and much lighter to cary around. You will be hard pressed to here the differance between the two.
I started out with Mesa 5050 amp and mesa 412 cab. Decided that FRFR was the way to go live, and got a JBL PRX 512M speaker. Nice speaker right up there with the QSC (some might disagree...)..I actually tried both the JBL and the QSC (and some mackies) and decided that the QSC sounded a tiny, tiny bit more musical, but it's SO heavy, it just wasnt worth it. Noone is gonna hear it anyway, it's just for my own monitoring anyways.
Another advantage with SS power amp or the powered speaker thing, you can fire it up and play... no waiting around for things to warm up. A definate + for the impatient type like my self :mrgreen:
i got a QSC HPR122i it sounds amazing and i never thought of looking at a 4x12 and power amp again. ;)
All the above. :p

Its one of those personal preference thingys where you will have to go out and try it all and pick one. ;)
Yea, likely you will not mic up whatever you're getting. I assume you'll just plug right into the snake anyway, so it's a matter of how you want the monitoring to happen.
Unless you play small venues where FOH is only used for vocals. Its then a harder choice. SS+Amp for a traditional sound against FRFR being a recorded type sound.

Both work well. FRFR will sound better to the audience as its what there generally - or at least most often - exposed to. Amp/Cab is better for the guirist and band (initially at least) for the same reason.
Depends on where youre gonna play in, which country you live. For example, here in Norway, I could get away with no sound system whatsoever because all the venues here have decent monitoring and PA, none of that "pa for vox only" crap. I've heard the UK venues are a different story and from what I've heard, so is US..but I dunno.
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