Bass Amps Plus Exchange Question - New User Comments

A new user of the FM9 (and Fractal products..) and a few questions...

1. A great experience in setting up and getting the unit working with my DAW set up....

2. Good online tutorials and thanks to those that have posted and supported many YouTube Videos. For example, setting up Volume and Wah from a single expression pedal.

3. Setting up an edge of break up amp...

Lots more to work through...

On to my questions...

4. I am an occasional bass player and do not see the SVT and Mesa bas Amps that were discussed as to be included in the factory set up. Where would they be...?

5. I have downloaded a few bass Presets from the Exchange area.. So my next question.. When downloading Presets from the Exchange, and the amp used in the preset, for example SVT1, does this amp now go into the library for use in a preset that I make up? Or can I save it to a library?

Thanks for the support.. Lots to continue to learn..
A new user of the FM9 (and Fractal products..) and a few questions...

1. A great experience in setting up and getting the unit working with my DAW set up....

2. Good online tutorials and thanks to those that have posted and supported many YouTube Videos. For example, setting up Volume and Wah from a single expression pedal.

3. Setting up an edge of break up amp...

Lots more to work through...

On to my questions...

4. I am an occasional bass player and do not see the SVT and Mesa bas Amps that were discussed as to be included in the factory set up. Where would they be...?

5. I have downloaded a few bass Presets from the Exchange area.. So my next question.. When downloading Presets from the Exchange, and the amp used in the preset, for example SVT1, does this amp now go into the library for use in a preset that I make up? Or can I save it to a library?

Thanks for the support.. Lots to continue to learn..
Where are you looking for the bass amp types? Within an Amp block is a Type setting and that's where you'll find them.

People often confuse presets with amp types...

The block library is for saving blocks or channels to your computer for later use.

If you save the Amp block or a channel of it into your block library you can then recall it later in other presets.

Nothing goes to the block library automatically.

Even loading a preset from AxeChange isn't saved, it's only loaded into memory... Unless you save it.
Ok I think that is my mistake! I will create a preset and look in the added amp block. I was probably looking in the preset area.. Thanks for the help!
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