Wish Bank Subdivisions

I’d really be great if there would be some kind of additional hierarchy level for the presets and/or have the four different banks be more clearly visible. Maybe some kind of color differentiation or at least a white/grey differentiation (similar to the FC Banks function in Manage Presets) between the four banks in the presets list. And maybe renaming the number subdividers into letters (e.g., ABCD letters instead of 000/128/256/384; the factory preset and backup file names are already in this fashion). Would make it less abstract and more user-friendly imo.

I think the Quick Jump buttons are a good idea but they could also be renamed to ABCD and maybe function as a filter for a specific bank instead of just jumping to that preset number.

Maybe this has also already been addressed (in part): https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/export-banks-list-with-presets.205312
using the current color solution, if you change the name of the preset, the color coding is removed. Perhaps If it was bound to the preset number or name then it would stay colored.
I like the idea of folders and having presets that can be part of any or multiple folders.
Create a folder called blues: put all your bluesy presets in there. Have another folder called Marshall and put all your Marshall stuff in there (that can also be in the blues folder) clicking any iteration of the preset would open it.
using the current color solution, if you change the name of the preset, the color coding is removed. Perhaps If it was bound to the preset number or name then it would stay colored.
I like the idea of folders and having presets that can be part of any or multiple folders.
Create a folder called blues: put all your bluesy presets in there. Have another folder called Marshall and put all your Marshall stuff in there (that can also be in the blues folder) clicking any iteration of the preset would open it.
I believe preset storage on the unit is pretty "rudimentary".

I wouldn't expect to see that except maybe on a next generation device.
Folders themselves in computing don't contain file data. They're just an abstraction in the file system indexing. A folder is just a list of the locations of the files it "contains" and its parent folder. When you move a file from one folder to another, the data itself typically does not move at all. Only the links in the index are updated.

The Axe FX storage is likely not much different. Just a block of flash memory storage location and indexing to make sense of it. The bank subdivisions are likely only conceptual. They are just indexing numbers based on the 128 preset limit of midi PC messages.
Yes, but you have to have an interface on the hardware to interact with them, handle link references, etc... I don't think presets are in a filesystem, which is why I said "rudimentary".

I suspect preset storage is sliced into a specific number of fixed-size slots and are indexed within that.

Anyway, all speculation on my part...:)
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