Bank Limit | Wrap / Destination Question


Fractal Fanatic

Have reconfigured my FM9 with OFM9G and have a question regards bank limit and destination.
My goal is to begin with Bank 1 (1st User Preset). Got that. Next to allow a bank limit of 5 wrappable banks. Got that. The next concern is related to when the bank +1 or bank -1 switch is pressed. Hopefully, I'd like bank -1 to wrap to the 5th upper bank, but the FM9 currently continues forwards and backwards beyond my desired destinations, both into the factory presets and empty user presets.

Is it possible to limit where the destination occurs once one has set bank limits?

Here are 2 screenshots of my current Bank +1 and Bank -1 settings:

BANK +1:

BANK -1:
Banks start at zero, so the first 5 banks would be lower limit zero and upper limit 4. Also make sure your bank size in FC Config matches the number of preset switches in your layout (5 in your case) as well or the presets it shows you will not line up with the switches correctly. That should give you access to the first 25 preset slots and wrap through them in both directions.
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Thanks. Sounds like a little math is in order. The lower limit is 0 and the upper limit is 102. If my 1st user preset begins at 386, my guess would be I'd need to divide 385 by 5, and place the result in the lower limit window. Then add 4 to that and place that in the upper limit window. The result is 77 and 81. I tried this and the banks still go towards bank 76 and lower, and beyond bank 81 and higher. Something else I've not thought of yet?
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Something's not doing what it's supposed to...

Bank +1: Lower Limit: 77. Upper Limit: 81

Bank -1: Lower Limit: 77. Upper Limit: 81
Check the Switch Limits setting in FC Config. They added the ability to turn off the limits a while back so you could have limits for gigs and access everything other times without having to edit the switches each time.
Check the Switch Limits setting in FC Config. They added the ability to turn off the limits a while back so you could have limits for gigs and access everything other times without having to edit the switches each time.
Awesome. That was the solution. Just needed to enable switch limits. Thanks again. Couldn't find it in the RTFM. Much appreciated.
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