Band Helper Tips


After reading a few threads on here of people using BandHelper with the Axe to deal with setlists I decided to try it out.
It is fantastic so far!

So of course one of my goals is to use it for the set list to load the preset corresponding to each song using MIDI.
I have been researching wireless MIDI devices and wanted to get a recommendation for one that is proven to work
with the AXE/FM9 for live playing (Reliability the big issue).

So far looking at (not at all set on anything, just research so far):
  • Roland WM-1
  • CME Widi Master
  • Xvive MD1

Another question, What it the best source format you have tried for song lyrics/chords.
The singer does not really want the chords shown while the rest of the band does.

Any help would be great.

Thanks. :)
i just copy/paste lyrics in, rather than using PDFs or whatever. the auto scroll works well for me, when i set the time, usually 3 minutes for most songs. you can resize the text and it will adjust for line breaks etc.

then with chords you can just hide the Chord field at the top of the document viewer.
I personally try to avoid using bluetooth for live music applications. Nothing beats a hardwired connection in terms of reliability. I also want to save the wireless airspace for things that really need it (like in-ears, guitar wireless or even the live sharing feature in Bandhelper). So I use the Roland UM-ONE to go from my iPad to Fm9.

I also use this splitter cable to charge and use the UM-One at the same time:

However, if you're really set on doing wireless MIDI, check out this list of recommended hardware from band helper's website:

For chords, there's no single reliable source. I transcribe everything myself but in a pinch, I still think is probably you're best bet.

For lyrics, just google the lyrics and usually the first couple of hits are accurate.
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