Balance L/R not working on 13.02


I have installed the Firmware 13.02 and I'm having a very strange problem: the Balance parameter seems not working at all!
I have tried to change the Balance values in all locks of the simple configuration IN->AMP->CAB->OUT...if I set the values to -100% or +100%, what I obtain is a signal always in the center of my pan but with less volume (maybe -6dB).
Anyone has noticed the same behaviour?

You're probably summing the signal to mono somewhere.
Maybe at the outputs (I/O > Audio).
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I have also tried without any block, i.e. IN->OUT and then changing the Balance values in the Output section...same behaviour.
In the I/O > Audio every output mode is set to stereo.
Make sure any blocks that come after and that are capable of left or right input have their inputs set to either left or right.
If you're using the Balance parameter in the preset output mixer, this issue can happen only when the signal is summed at the very output stage. What's on the grid doesn't really matter.

If you are sure that Output 1 Mode is set to Stereo, the only other thing I can think of is that you might be using a mono converter plug with your headphones.
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