Bad Hum at a gig last night


Fractal Fanatic
I played an outdoor gig last night. Huge pro stage. Plugged into the power line at the front of the stage and was getting a pretty bad hum out of my fm9 rig. I tried the ground lift switches but it didn’t help. Any idea what could help in these situations? Was thinking of trying the Morley hum eliminator between the power cable and the outlet.
I had bad hum one rehearsal and it was due to phantom power. I switched to 1/4 in outs and it was fine. I invested in an isolation box that blocks phantom power just to be safe in the future.
Bad signal cable somewhere.
I used the same custom redco snake that I have hooked up at home. NO hum at home. Only when I was at the gig. Has to be bad power on the stage im guessing. OUT 2 XLR out to the FOH and OUT 1 L and R 1/4" out to my in ears.
Doesn't have to be power... Was the hum there without the guitar cable plugged in to the input?

If not then it could have been some form of EMI as well.
The high voltage transformers on old neon signs can be terrible sources of hum in some joints. Nothing like a big flashing light beer sign coming through your signal chain loud and clear all night. Good times.
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