AxeFX2 aborts MIDI communication


New Member
I have my AxeFX2 connected to Ableton on my Mac via MIDI-USB.
Ableton controls scenes and some Volume and Wah automation.
Everything works just fine but at some point throughout the song the Axe stops receiving MIDI information.
When this happens the communication is discontinued until I turn both, the Axe FX and Ableton off and on again.
I read in this forum that this might happen while AxeEdit is open, which is why I don't run it simultaneously.
Also, I've tried both, the old and the new version of the USB-Drivers.
Any recommendations or ideas on why this is happening and how to solve this problem?
CPU in used preset is at around 62 percent, so that shouldn't be the problem..
Try running a midi monitor like MidiOX.

Possible you are sending a lot of "extra" midi?

Also, how long is your midi cable? Is it connected via a hub? Have you tried a new midi cable?
I'm gonna try a MIDI monitor!
I think that could be it, Ableton started doing some weird shit, like play notes when I just simply click on something.. seems like there's more midi information "flying" around!

midi cable is 1,5m I think. Tried two different ones, I don't think they're the problem. and no the cable goes directly into the computer.
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