Axefx Guitars: Black Table's "Sentinel" EP (Metal, Post-Hardcore, Experimental)

I am really digging this! Thanks so much for sharing.

Out of curiousity, what sort of gear setup do you have? This is the first time I've heard a band with this type of sound using the Axe FX (that I've known about, at least) so I was just wondering what type of guitar/amp models you used. :D
Thanks so much SilenceIsACrime! Live I run a dual amp setup. I'm using the FAS Modern and 5153 Red amp sims. I run each split hard left and right into individual 4x12s. But, I run the reverb/delay stuff in real stereo between the 2 cabs. So if I mute out one of the amp sims my reverb for the remaining amp sim is running in stereo through both 4x12s, it's pretty cool. Then all of that is amplified by a custom 2000 watt Matrix power amp (which is awesome). And I play in drop-A on a slightly extended scale guitar, the Ibanez RGD series, they are awesome for a little extra tension in our low tuning.

and here's a video i posted in another thread of us live
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